the game
As kids our childhood’s are based on playing games.
Legos. Monopoly. PlayStation. Tag you’re it.
Now we’re a teenager.
We have hobbies. We’re focused on ourselves.
We love deeply. We’re brave. We fall, bruise, bleed then stick a bandaid on it.
Only to get back up & do it over again.
Somewhere in between, we grow up.
One minute we’re collecting coins in Mario Kart.
Next, we’re spending coins to fill a grocery cart.
We get wiser.
We now play mind games.
The blame game. Act as victims.
We hide & don’t seek. Seek people or opportunities.
It’s fun & games till feelings show up at the playground.
If you rarely got what you wanted younger, you learned to downplay your expectations or you deny disappointment because it’s your inner child’s way of protecting you from pain.
Along the way, the adult version of us learned to play it different. “Don’t hate the player. Hate the game” becomes harder to acceptif we don’t love the player we’ve become.
The rules of the game haven’t changed. We did.
A curriculumcan show us the world, but it won’t ever teach us how to see it.
In order to stay in the game, we need to understand the #1 rule in the book.
It’s not how well you play but how well you play with others.
You’re already winning when you help someone else win.