remind me of the stories

A personal project inspired by a trip that influenced leaving my corporate job where I spent 6 months learning how to edit so I can spread the story why more often than not people forget to travel choosing to remain still. To do it all, for the stories.

there is always that one song that can take you back to a time & place…

Giving you chills. "It never fades away, it's staying..." Remind Me to Forget is that tune for this trip. With all due respect to Kygo's original intent, we’ve taken this song to remind us of the reasons why people forget to travel.

“Travel has been a defining aspect of my life. At the age of 12, I made my first big trip across the Atlantic from Turkey to New York. I’ve made this trip many times throughout my life. Since then, however, the idea of traveling by plane, wherever it may be, always makes me feel as though I’m going home. — D

“Travel has always been an appreciation of mine but not necessarily a defining aspect of my life. However, this trip to New Zealand changed my perspective. It’s as if I’ve discovered a new sense; a sense to pursue new adventure, escape the norm. When I got back, I was moved. I felt distant from home but closer to where I wanted to be. — B

"You left your mark, reminding me to forget..."  We went on this trip with no other intention other than a simple vacation, but what we realized after the fact was so much more. 

"I got these mementos..." got us thinking, what were our golden moments? The moments that were unwarranted, the moments that surprised us.
Then it just clicked.. We forget that the moments you make up as you go along, by simply just living, are the moments that change it all.

So, let this be your reminder. Remind yourself to chase curiosity. Discover anything with childlike wonder. Chase anything but the norm. To shuffle your surroundings as you'd shuffle songs to whatever new beat your life is taking on. Hold on to whatever ignites what's inside you. Lastly, remind yourself of the stories that really matter after all.




hawega foundation